Student Housing in Helsinki! How does it work?

Welcome to Tanuki’s Habitat!

Student apartment in helsinki finland

Today I want to introduce how student housing works in Helsinki! It is one of the most pleasantly surprising aspects of studying here. U.S. student housing can be a nightmare; small dorm rooms, sharing a bedroom, high prices, no kitchens, etc… Luckily, I have generally lived in the private rental market during my time in the U.S. Even then, the private market comes with utility bills, credit checks, and other annoyances.

How is student housing organized in Helsinki?

HOAS (Foundation for Student Housing in the Helsinki Region) organizes student housing. Check out their website for detailed info:   About 45 years ago, student organizations in the Helsinki region worked together to gather money and buy apartment buildings that they now rent to students at affordable prices. There are now over 9400 apartments! 

How I applied for an apartment as soon as I received my acceptance letter:

As a non-EU international degree student, I was eligible for HOAS housing through the exchange student department. This meant that I had priority over EU students and eligibility for a shared furnished apartment. If you’re from the EU, there are still plenty of options for unfurnished apartments. However, make sure to apply earlyThe entire process was incredibly easy since no credit checks or co-signers were necessary. I only needed to pay a 500 euro deposit to secure my contract. 

Note: I couldn’t choose my exact location and I was placed with random flatmates of the same gender. 

How much do I pay and what is included?

🏠I pay around 320 euros a month! A crazy bargain for living in one of the most expensive housing markets. 

🏠All utilities are included. For instance: Electricity, water, heating, and internet

🏠Most furniture is included; Bed, desk, chairs, linen, silverware, plates, cups, basic cooking supplies, and cleaning tools. 

🏠I have my own lockable room. I share a kitchen, bathroom, and all areas outside the bedroom with two other students.

🏠Within the apartment complex, I have access to laundry facilities, sauna, and activity rooms! 

If you’re considering studying here the housing system is a major perk! If you’re interested in apartment living in Finland check out my blog post about the 5 best things about Finnish apartments! 

Student apartment in helsinki finland



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